Sunday, May 15, 2011

3D or Not 3D

My wife and I went to some trouble to go into San Francisco and see a 3D version of Werner Herzog's Cave of Forgotten Dreams at the Kabuki Theater. The cave's are an amazing place, but I'm ready to give up on 3D. Avatar was a wonder to behold, but subsequent 3D films have been consistently disappointing. I imagined that Herr H. would bring the kind of artistic vision to the process that would make it worthwhile, but instead I just got a stiff neck and headache trying to keep the glasses in place on my nose and keep my eye's resolving the oftentimes out of focus 3D. We also got overcharged for parking...

So, I give up on 3D movies. For now, anyway.

Friday, May 13, 2011

How To Incorporate Your Blog into Your Website

Any blogging website like can be posted to your website if it outputs an XML feed and you have a web server vendor who supports PHP. The secret is in PHP's simplexml_load_file() function, which turns the feed into an array, with each tag in the XML stored as a array within the array created by simplexml_load_file().

To see a demo of this, check out: myblog.php

You can download the php code here: